Dark Horse also stars Donna Murphy and Christopher Walken and tells the story of the romance that blooms between two thirty-somethings in arrested development: an avid toy collector and a woman who is the dark horse of her family.
23 de diciembre de 2010
[[CANDIDS]] Dark Horse babe Selma Blair all smiles leaving dinner
17 de diciembre de 2010
[[INTERVIEWS]] Selma Blair back in the saddle: Actress has come a long way since Brain Candy
Anyone who's got ``Girl at rock concert'' (in Kids in the Hall's Brain Candy) listed as one of their first film credits was probably destined for a strange ride through show business - and, so far, that's just fine with Selma Blair.
From being a face in the Brain Candy crowd, Blair carried on to land a standout role in Cruel Intentions, the youthful, contemporary remake of Dangerous Liaisons starring Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar. A romantic lead in the Hellboy franchise followed, as well as the supporting role in Legally Blonde and the TV show Kath & Kim, but Blair removed herself from the casting Rolodex shortly thereafter.
``I took a step back the last few years and haven't worked. I took care of some kids and horses. I actually bought a horse . . . and it saved my life,'' says Blair.
``I started riding seriously at 17 . . . show jumping. Now I do dressage, also, but I finally decided last year I'm not going to devote everything in my life to the next movie or the next TV show. I'm going to move on.''
Now back in the saddle professionally, as well as personally, Blair is in the midst of shooting a Vancouver indie thriller called Replicas. The debut feature from music video/ magazine publishers Justin Tyler Close and Jeremy Power Regimbal, Replicas features Blair in the lead role as a mother trying to enjoy some quality time with her family - when things go horribly wrong.
``A friend gave me the script and it was something I hadn't done before. (So) I said yes and attached myself. It's a really quick shoot, and when you do an indie with a new director and a new producer, you feel their excitement,'' says Blair of the film currently shooting in Langley, B.C.
``I'm definitely the veteran on set. I'm certainly the oldest. It's a young crew, and they're so happy to see their dream coming together.''
As someone who describes herself as ``a tough smile'' who ``never had a lot of twinkle and shine,'' Blair says she's lost some edges with age, and says the nice thing about getting older is that she can finally detach from any ingenue expectations.
``I've never been the most ambitious actress. I don't look like Julia Roberts; that's not what I bring physically to a role. Now I can play mother roles and it works. I feel something good is happening,'' she says.
``If I could dream of the kind of career I'd like to have, it would look like Catherine Keener's or Diane Wiest's - OK, I really am fantasizing here. But I think those actors are a huge pleasure to watch.''
Blair shouldn't sell herself short. She, too, has a proven track record for being interesting, whether it's as the villain-turned-ally in Legally Blonde or an ill-fated turn in The Fog.
``So it's not Titanic,'' she says. ``I get confidence from doing it consistently, even if it's under the radar. I can say to myself: `OK, I'm sticking around. I'm going to keep doing this,' '' she says.
``I asked myself what makes me happy, and I found it. But I can't tell you what that is. I'm afraid someone might take it away from me, so I put it under my pillow.''
Blair says she's a firm believer in the redemptive power of true love, and she's a living, breathing example of it as she speaks. ``I am very in love right now. He designs Ever clothing and he's a wonderful, wonderful man.''
With personal and professional esteem surging, Blair says the other half of the confidence equation is crushing the bogeymen.
``It's not an overwhelming thing. It's just that somewhere, there's this little bit of knowledge that someone is willing to take you down a notch. And you know, to not be paranoid of it, but just to realize it, and that's the way a lot of people work,'' she says.
``You can't do anything about it except be mindful, and then move on with your life.''
And Blair is certainly moving. In addition to Replicas, she's working with Todd Solondz on Dark Horse alongside Christopher Walken and Mia Farrow. She's also slated to appear in Four Saints, a First World War drama about brave nurses, and A Different Kind of Love with Richard Dreyfuss.
``I love Todd Solondz. I love a director with great vision who really knows what he wants. It makes the job easier, because you can understand the vision that much better and communicate it better. I want to do that for every director.''
Blair says she's never been so grateful for the work because she realizes it's a huge opportunity. ``Not everyone gets to do this for a living. I grew up assuming the worst, so if I get two days of happiness handed to me in a row, I'm grateful.''
Replicas wraps this month, with a release date to be determined.
14 de diciembre de 2010
[[ARTICLE]] Abaout the books
She said: "This book changed me the most, for the best. I was kind of a depressed teenager. My mother would introduce my sisters and say, ‘Ok, this is the athlete, this is the overachiever, and then this is Selma, the manic depressive.’
“It's strange that such a childish book had such an effect on me, but it did. I felt so like sour Mary, and the book transformed me the way the garden transformed her – teaching her not to let sad, bad thoughts stay in her head."
The 'Hellboy II' star loves being given new books to read and carries the copy of J.D. Salinger’s ‘Nine Stories’ given to her by Jake Gyllenhaal everywhere.
Speaking about the book, she told Britain’s Elle magazine: "Jake Gyllenhaal gave it to me many years ago because it's one his favourites, and in exchange I gave him a copy of 'Till We Have Faces'.
"I got this book maybe nine years ago, but I still carry it in whatever bag I have. It reminds me of the friendship I once had with Jake and these amazing stories by this author that I love."
5 de diciembre de 2010
American actor Selma Blair, last here for 2005's The Fog, is back for this thriller about a vacationing family beset by criminals intent on stealing their identities. It's directed by Vancouver's Jeremy Regimbal.
3 de diciembre de 2010
[[PROJECTS]] Josh Close, James D’Arcy, Selma Blair and Rachel Miner Cast in 'The Replicas'
Music video helmer Jeremy Regimbal is directing the home invasion thriller, which just began production.
Josh Close, James D’Arcy, Selma Blair and Rachel Miner have been cast in the home invasion thriller The Replicas. Music video helmer Jeremy Regimbal is directing the project, which just began production.
Close also wrote the screenplay, which follows a couple that heads with their family to a vacation cottage to grieve after the death of their youngest child. Not long after, they are visited by the Sakowskis, a couple with an unhelpful agenda.
Kim Roberts and Tina Pehme of Sepia Films are producing along with Justin Close of The Studio Movement.
Josh Close, who is repped by Buchwald & Associates and Untitled Entertainment, was a regular on the ABC series The Unusuals. On the feature side, he has appeared in The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Diary of the Dead.
Repped by CAA and Management 360, D’Arcy has appeared in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World and An American Haunting. He will next appear as Ian Fleming in Age of Heroes and in Madonna’s W.E.
Blair, repped by Gersh and Global Creative, most recently appeared in Hellboy II: The Golden Army and Feast of Love. She is filming Todd Solondz’s Dark Horse.
Repped by the Kohner Agency and Untitled, Miner appeared on the Showtime series Californication and in the films Bully and The Black Dahlia.
18 de noviembre de 2010
[[CANDIDS]] Selma with her horse Taffy

[[APARICIONES PUBLICAS]] DecadesTwo.1 At AnQi By Crustacean

Caption: | Actress Selma Blair and Jason Bleick attend DecadesTwo.1 At AnQi By Crustacean at South Coast Plaza on November 18, 2010 in Costa Mesa, California. |
Headline: | DecadesTwo.1 At AnQi By Crustacean |
Venue: | South Coast Plaza |
Location: | Costa Mesa, CA United States |
Date: | November 18, 2010 |
7 de noviembre de 2010
[[THE FAMILY TREE]] Myriad Acquires Comedy Starring Christina Hendricks & Bow Wow
Davis stars as a restless housewife who hits her head during an illicit sexual encounter with her next-door neighbor and winds up losing her memory. She can't remember her husband (Mulroney) or her two teenage kids. While her amnesia provides the spark that her marriage has been missing, it allows the kids to run amok.
The project marks the feature directorial debut of Vivi Friedman, a Finnish-born filmmaker best known for her work in commercials, whose first short film, "Certainly Not a Fairytale," was made in conjunction with Fox Searchlight's prestigious Searchlab.This time around, Friedman will be working from a script by Mark Lisson, who will also produce the project with Allan Jones, Kathy Weiss and J. Todd Harris ("The Kids Are Alright").
Myriad will start screening and selling "The Family Tree" at the American Film Market this week. IP Advisors continue to represent the picture's North American rights.
26 de octubre de 2010
[[PROJECTS ]] El proyecto de Jamie Foxx se lo lleva la NBC
Esta mujer al sufrir el asesinato del resto de su familia es llevada a un orfanato y allí se esfuerza por mejorar y convertirse en una abogada aunque jamás cediendo ante sus sentimientos de venganza ante el jefe de la mafia rival encargado de haber cometido el crimen, ya que mientras por las mañanas estudiaba por las noches entrenaba para ser una asesina; realmente el proyecto suena bastante entretenido, lleno de drama, acción y traición, no en vano también se dice que a esta mujer le daría vida la actriz Selma Blair que posee cierto renombre en el medio. Habrá que esperar más noticias de su producción y el resto del reparto pero esto a priori suena espectacular.
Cabe mencionar que desde junio ya conocíamos la existencia de este proyecto, hoy se confirman varios nombres de su reparto, si historia y sobre todo la cadena, la NBC se encargará de su producción y al menos en lo personal me encanta ya que esta cadena me ha demostrado gran calidad.
[[PROJECTS ]] NBC Picks Up “Tommy’s Little Girl”
After lengthy negotiations, NBC has closed a deal for Jamie Foxx’s drama project Tommy’s Little Girl based on the trailer Foxx shot with Selma Blair, Paul Sorvino, Tony Sirico and James Russo. The network also has picked up Life Is Good, a comedy from Unhitched creators Chris Pappas and Mike Bernier and Hangover 2 writer Scot Armstrong. Based on Foxx’s idea, Girl is described as Le Femme Nikita meets The Sopranos and centers on a young girl (Blair) raised in a mafia family who is hidden away in an orphanage after her family is murdered by a competing mafia crime boss. She grows up to become an attorney by day, and a deadly, well trained killer by night, as she avenges her family’s murder and attempts to locate her last living relative. Jorge Zamacona has been tapped to write the script and executive produce. Also executive producing are Foxx and Deon Taylor through their recently launched No Brainer Films. Foxx took an entrepreneurial approach with the project, shooting a trailer for it over the summer that was then taken to the networks.
The key actors in the trailer — Blair, Sorvino and Sirico — are still attached though there are no deals in place with NBC. Foxx and Taylor co-wrote and co-directed the trailer, which was financed by a private investor. Girl will now be produced by UMS. In addition to Girl, Foxx is also executive producing a midseason sketch comedy series for Fox. Foxx and Zamacona are with CAA.
Life, also from UMS, centers on Andy, husband and father of two young girls, whose mellow suburban family world is thrown into chaos when he is found by Dru, the 19-year-old mixed race son he never knew he had. Andy is over the moon to learn that he has a son and that enthusiasm is more than Dru can handle. Pappas and Bernier, repped by CAA and Epidemic, will write the project and will executive produce it with Armstrong, who has a first-look deal with NBC, and Ravi Nandan, an executive at Armstrong’s American Work production company.
22 de octubre de 2010
[[ARTICLE]] Benefit for Free the Slaves
On Wednesday, at the Top of the Standard, former Ford Models CEO Katie Ford brought out Helena Christensen, Michael Stipe, her ex-husband Andre Balazs, Liev Schreiber and Selma Blair for a benefit for Free the Slaves, which helps to liberate the 27 million enslaved around the world.
"Can you believe it's so many people?" asked Ms. Ford, who was exposed to the issue when she went to a discussion about it three years ago at the U.N. "I thought slavery didn't exist anymore. I could never believe that it existed in the first place."
"Has Oprah done a special on this?" asked the photographer Todd Eberle. "I don't know," responded the fashion designer Nicole Miller.
"I just read something about this a month ago," added Mr. Schreiber, who is currently training for the hockey film "Goon."
A high-spirited auction took place where Mr. Balazs purchased a Steven Klein photograph and Ms. Miller took home French Culinary Institute cooking lessons to support the cause.
Ms. Christensen, who will be traveling to Nepal for Oxfam next year, arrived post-auction because she was out of a babysitter for the evening. "This whole thing really freaks me out because of how many girls and places it happens in. Even in my own home city, Copenhagen, it happens," she said.
21 de octubre de 2010
20 de octubre de 2010
[[PROJECTS]] 'Four Saints' marches to production
Cary Elwes and Arnold Vosloo are also starring. "Saints," written and directed by Jean-Pierre Isbouts, tells the story of four young women who defied the British Army -- as well as German bombs and bullets -- to operate an illegal medical dressing station on the Allied front lines during World War I. It's based on Isbouts' novel "Angels in Flanders."
Principal photography is scheduled to start in November for a six-week shoot around Calgary, Alberta.
White Wing is producing with the support of the Alberta Production Plan, sales company Hollywood Wizard and Structured Capital Group.
With Rincon's casting, Tayrona Entertainment Group has agreed to exec produce and distribute the film throughout Latin America on more than 1,000 screens next fall.
[[PROJECTS]] Four Saints
Kathryn Hahn Joins WANDERLUST; Lorena Rincon, Rhona Mitra, Selma Blair, and Melanie Lynskey to Star in FOUR SAINTS
The cast for writer-director David Wain’s new comedy Wanderlust is filling out and it’s been quite impressive. Wain co-wrote and directed Paul Rudd in Role Models, which I feel was the best comedy of 2008. Now Variety is reporting that Kathryn Hahn (Crossing Jordan, Step Brothers) will join Wain and Rudd in Wanderlust, and I can’t wait to see what wild antics she will undoubtedly have. Meanwhile, news about the World War I drama Four Saints from multi-talented Jean-Pierre Isbouts has arrived. Variety reports that Lorena Rincon, Rhona Mitra, Selma Blair, and Melanie Lynskey will topline the upcoming war drama written and directed by Isbouts. Hit the jump for further details on the cast of Wanderlust and what Four Saints is all about.
Wain has been slowly gathering a great cast around Wanderlust, as Hahn will join Rudd, Jennifer Aniston, Malin Akerman, Alan Alda, Justin Theroux, and Ray Liotta. This might be one of the first Aniston comedies that I am genuinely excited for, despite her high-profile role. Rudd and Aniston play a couple that look for a different way of life and leave behind the modern trappings of New York City and somehow land in a hippie commune (Hahn is a member of said commune). We reported earlier this month that Alda will be the head of a naturalist village, and I can only hope that Wain is shooting this with an R in mind. Apatow Productions is set to produce the film.
As for Four Saints, the film will adapt Isbouts’ own novel Angels in Flanders and center on four female nurses “who defied the British Army — as well as German bombs and bullets — to operate an illegal medical dressing station on the Allied front lines during World War I.” The quartet of actresses will join Cary Elwes and Arnold Vosloo. Principal photography is set to start in November for six weeks in Calgary, Alberta. White Wing Enterprises and Andrew Ferns will produce along with the help of Alberta Production Plan, Hollywood Wizard, and Structured Capital Group.
16 de octubre de 2010
[[CANDIDS]] Selma Blair dans les rues du quartier de Meatpacking à New York.
Si les photographes n'ont visiblement pas été cléments avec la douce Selma Blair en la prenant au dépourvu dans les rues de New York, la belle assurait quand même côté look.
Mocassins aux pieds, un must de saison, Selma enfilait une simple paire de jeans pour se balader dans le quartier de Meatpacking. En harmonie avec la saison, l'actrice enfilait un douillet pull en cachemire marron aux finitions travaillées et s'enveloppait d'une épaisse écharpe coordonnée.
Sans make-up et les cheveux en bataille, l'actrice optait en guise d'accessoire ultime pour un sac oversized en cuir porté en bandoulière gardant un peu l'esprit écolier.
Seul bémol peut-être, un jean qui ne met pas vraiment en valeur sa silhouette.