31 de julio de 2008
22 de julio de 2008
[[NEWS]] Live from the TCA Press Tour: New NBC Shows
Kath and Kim
NBC’s newest comedy, centers on a fun-loving mom (Molly Shannon) with a newfound love life and her spoiled, Britney Spears-esque daughter (Selma Blair) who moves back in with her mom after the failure of her six-week-long marriage. The TCA panel for Kath and Kim had plenty of laughs and succeeded on one important front: proving Selma Blair is actually funny.
The actress best known for her lesbian kiss in Cruel Intentions answered a question about whether she’ll be wearing a wig for the series with a long-winded and hilarious monologue about the finer points of wig vs. extensions. She continued on a tangent about what types of wigs she would wear because she has a monkey face, explaining that all people are either monkey-faced or rat-faced.
However, the panel also dismissed a rather legitimate question about the age difference between the two leads. Despite playing mother and daughter, Shannon and Blair are only separated in age by 7 years. At first Blair laughed it off as acting, joking that Dakota Fanning was the producers’ first choice, adding “If you squint really hard and put Vaseline on your eyeballs when you watch, I look really young.” The cast went on to explain that the relationship is more akin to best friends than mother/daughter, so the age gap isn’t such a big deal.
From Buddy TV
The actress talks about director Guillermo del Toro’s two big movie franchises
LOCATION: Middle Earth?
THE SKINNY: While promoting her new NBC comedy KATH AND KIM, Selma Blair spoke about the future of the HELLBOY franchise where she plays firestarter Liz Sherman. While the success of the second installment would seem like a third film would be a no brainer, she says she has heard no additional word, though she wouldn’t hesitate to come back for a return.
“I would be honored,” says Blair. “But I don’t know if that would happen.”
She does hint that writer-director Guillermo del Toro does have some ideas for a third HELLBOY, but nothing has been formally discussed.
“There are some ideas for a storyline,” says Blair. “He likes to keep it close to the vest and we kind of respect that.”
Considering Del Toro will be busy directing the back-to-back THE HOBBIT films for the next few years, HELLBOY III’s prospects look like a dim possibility, but what about Blair being in the director’s latest franchise? Has she bugged him about it?
“I know better than to bug him,” she says. “And I’m also involved in KATH AND KIM so there wold be no point.”
From iF Magazine
[[INTERVIEWS]] Dispatch from NBC: Freak-foot monkey-foot!
This was the quote of the day, and possibly the quote of the tour, courtesy of “Kath & Kim” star Selma Blair. Part of me almost doesn’t want to explain it, because the magic of “no, you’re kind of monkey-rat” is almost greater when it’s context-independent. But after the jump, I’ll give it a shot…
Blair seemed in a particularly snarky mood today. There are lots of dumb questions that get asked in TCA sessions — “Your sons, are they both boys?” was a classic — but usually the panelists have been coached not to show their displeasure with them. (Jonny Lee Miller was exceedingly polite when somebody asked him if he could get Angelina Jolie to guest star on “Eli Stone” last week.) Selma either didn’t get the memo or didn’t care, and our world is the funnier for it.
First, somebody noted that she and Molly Shannon, who plays her mom on the show, aren’t that far apart in age (IMDb has Shannon only 8 years older than Blair), and asked how hard it was for one of them to play the other’s parent or child.
“Actresses play different people all the time,” Blaire replied. “It’s weird. It’s this thing called acting, and so you just, like, play different characters that aren’t your
age or anything. I mean, I think. I don’t know.”
She later added, “If (you) squint your eyes when you’re watching it and you don’t put it on hi-def, if you’re, like, squinting and put some Vaseline on your eyeballs, I look so young.”
After another reporter noted that Ben Silverman is both an executive at NBC and a producer on the show (as he is with a whole lot of the NBC line-up, and there’s no conflict of interest whatsoever!), Blair quipped, “Quite a catch. Yup. My eyes on the prize!”
Then, at the end of the session, we got “monkey, monkey, rat, rat,” courtesy of somebody asking Blair — whose hair doesn’t resemble her character on the show, or her role in “Hellboy” — whether she wears wigs for the series. She went on a long rambling answer — “This is probably the most boring answer to a question you’ve ever had,” she said in the middle — but as she kept going, she began to realize that she could just keep going, and going, and going, on the subject of wigs and extensions, and it seemed to amuse her.
“Hopefully they will be done correctly. I think I’ll be getting Russian hair instead of the Indonesian done last time,” she said, then explained that her wigs have to be “a three-quarter wig because apparently I have a very low forehead line, which a lot of people comment on all the time. I am apparently from the monkey family. I hear that all the time. People are either rats or monkeys. I’m a monkey. I know. Look at your friends. You’re all either a rat or a monkey. It’s true.”
She then looked at her co-stars and producer Michelle Nader and declared “monkey” (Mikey Day), “monkey” (John Michael Higgins), “rat” (Molly Shannon) and “rat” (Nader) before changing her mind and dubbing Nader “kind of monkey-rat.”
This then inspired Higgins (one of the Christopher Guest players) to travel down the rabbit hole with Blair, leading to the following exchange between the two of them:
JOHN MICHAEL HIGGINS: I broke my toe yesterday. I’m in excruciating pain. This guy at a party is an orthopedic surgeon. Said you have — there’s two feet. That’s the Grecian foot and whatever the other foot is. The Grecian foot is when your biggest toe is the biggest toe and then you go down. The other foot — and you know who you are — is the one with the second toe either the same length or a little longer –
SELMA BLAIR: That’s me.
JOHN MICHAEL HIGGINS: — than the first toe. You’re a freak. The freak foot.
SELMA BLAIR: I’m a monkey freak.
JOHN MICHAEL HIGGINS: Freak foot monkey foot. And apparently they can’t — you don’t tie the toes together if you have a Grecian foot. So did you get all that?
Afterwards, we all agreed that “Freak-Foot and Monkey-Rat” would be an awesome title for a superhero show starring Higgins and Blair (or vice versa), and that many of us would probably rather watch it than what we could make of “Kath and Kim,” based on the clips we saw.
From NJ.com
16 de julio de 2008
14 de julio de 2008
[[ARTICLES]] Selma Blair's music dream
Actress Selma Blair poses for photographers during the premiere of the movie "Hellboy II The Golden Army" in Los Angeles, California, June 28, 2008. [Agencies]
Selma Blair never wanted to be a Hollywood actress. The 'Hellboy II: The Golden Army' star - who is known for playing moody characters - was never interested in making it in the movie industry and would have preferred to star in music videos.
Selma, 36, told Los Angeles Confidential magazine: "I wanted to be the cheesy pretty girl in a video. I wanted to be the air-brushed girl, like in an Aerosmith video. Glamorous, sweet, pretty, sexy.
Everything I'm not seen as!" Selma also revealed she is similar to her characters in real life, and wonders how her co-stars manage to put up with her mood swings. She added: "My characters are not the smiliest girls in the world. Liz in 'Hellboy' is no different.
She is definitely not smiley. You see her break a smile like once, maybe. She also nags quite a lot. But that is something that also comes naturally to me. I do not have to act those parts."
However, Selma is set to continue playing difficult characters, as she has just signed up to play the self-absorbed, spoiled daughter of Molly Shannon in the US version of Australian TV sitcom 'Kath and Kim'.
Selma explained her move into TV saying: "I was in Budapest for six months shooting 'Hellboy II'. My life seemed really fragmented. I wanted to stay in one place longer. So I thought it might be nice to do a TV show." 'Hellboy II: The Golden Army' opens in cinemas from August.
11 de julio de 2008
10 de julio de 2008
[[APARICIONES TV]] The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

9 de julio de 2008
8 de julio de 2008
[[ARTICLES]] Blair Played It Cool On Hellboy Set
Filming HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY was no sweat for actress SELMA BLAIR - she was one of the only stars on set who didn't wear extensive prosthetics.
The big screen adaptation of the comic book required actors to spend hours in the make-up chair being fitted with heavy make-up and latex prosthetics to play mythical creatures.
But Blair, who plays character Liz Sherman, couldn't help but taunt her fellow cast members about her simple wardrobe.
She says, "I (was) very naughty in that department. On the hottest days, when the other actors (couldn't) breathe in their makeup, I breeze in and say how sweaty I feel in my cotton tank top.
"It's just as well (Hellboy actor) Ron Perlman is my next-door neighbour in real life and knows my sense of humour."
7 de julio de 2008
[[INTERVIEW]] Selma Blair's Dark Side
In person, there's nothing outrageous about Blair. The petite brunette is sweet and wickedly funny.
You'd never be attracted to a beer-drinking, blue-collar guy in real life would you?
"I have been many times—the guy that gets things done and then can relax with you and joke around but just doesn't put on airs. There's something nice about that, it's sort of the textbook definition of what a guy is. In the movie, I love how average Hellboy and Liz are. It's endearing that these people who have extraordinary powers are so busy killing monsters that they can't the find the time to talk about their own relationship."
You've been married [to Ahmet Zappa] and divorced. What's your take on love?
"I'm a romantic. I think I probably had my heart broken a few times, so maybe I am a little bit more jaded now. I don't think I could follow the '10 commandments of love' in those self-help books and articles because I think rules have to be adjusted for every person you meet. I don't think there's a real formula. And that's why I get a kick out of Hellboy and Liz; they're an odd couple who fight ferociously but still love each other."
Did you like being surrounded by monsters while you were filming?
"I did and I guess it goes back to my childhood. I loved fairy tales when I was growing up — Aesop’s Fables, Grimm's Fairytales. I was a big fan of The Little Matchstick Girl. I loved the ones that ended badly. I still have such a fascination with death. One of the first dreams I remember having as a child, I was saving my father from a burning house. I have a very morbid fascination with death and dead things. But I see the beauty in it."
If that's your dark side—what about your sense of humor?
"I was always the class clown, even in nursery school. I was always trying to make people laugh, and it was at my own expense as a kind of self-protection. In my darker days, I was really, really scared. I'm still intimidated by the stars I meet and wanting to be good as an actress."
Now you'll be going for weekly laughs in primetime on the upcoming sitcom Kath and Kim in which you co-star with Molly Shannon.
"Molly and I play a Florida mother and daughter. We think we're fabulous even though we're not. I wear rhinestones on my nails. And I kept them on in real life, which was a new thing for me. So I've been apologizing for my nails to people. Then I realize that some of them have decorations on their nails, so I'm always insulting people, which is embarrassing."
Kath and Kim is based on an Australian series. Did you watch it?
"I didn't want to watch too many episodes because I didn't want to start getting a weird Australian accent in my head as I said my lines. I'm a terrible mimic, and I was afraid that could happen and wouldn't translate very well. That would be Bizarro World."
Speaking of "bizarro," how does your mom feel about some of your outrageous big screen moments?
"She has a great sense of humor, which may be why I find it easy to be wildly inappropriate sometimes. She came to Budapest, where we filmed Hellboy, and stayed in my trailer for two weeks and didn't come to set once. That was bizarre. Ron Perlman in his Hellboy costume was making her martinis at cocktail hour. And then Doug Jones in his Abe Sapien get-up would bring some ice over from his trailer. It was just fabulous."
6 de julio de 2008
[[INTERVIEW]] The Sunday Conversation
Selma Blair Q&A: Dating? Don't ask
July 6, 2008
Do you generally enjoy being interviewed?
Sometimes I think it's really invigorating to talk about myself for a while! But then I feel really strange because I've been talking about myself for an hour. You know, it doesn't make for a good conversation.
My whole life I've been missing a filter. I don't censor myself very well. Thank God people don't give that much of a hoot about me.
How do people in your career find a therapist?
I dunno! All the other actors recommend a good therapist? Everybody has confidentiality issues with a therapist. That's kind of the law they're not supposed to break. But I'm just in therapy talking about my dog dying when I was 18.
How are you enjoying being single?
Next question!
Yay! Therapy's working! I'm censoring myself!
"Kath & Kim," the U.S. version, is coming to NBC in October --
That's what I hear, Oct. 9, NBC, at 9:30, after "The Office." I can be a salesman! And I'm smiling while I say it! Ben Silverman would be so proud of me. I'm a good team player. See, I can work for a network. My career is still going strong, exclamation, exclamation!
Were there ever doubts that you could be, as they say, on the team?
Doubts in my head, for sure. Well, I had done a TV show years ago . . . a show on the WB called ["Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane]." It was a thrill, to me and I was giddy and new. So I was on the WB, and it was the second-to-worst-rated show in the United States. There were things you had to do -- affiliate dinners, cocktail parties, and you had to sell the show, especially because the WB was a fledgling network. . . . It was very difficult for me, and I thought, "Never again. I'm not cut out for this." I get bored doing something more than a couple months. That's why I like film. [But] I was away shooting "Hellboy 2" in Budapest and I thought, "I don't know if I want to be on location so much at this point in my life. One day I'll have a family or a child, or I could get to know my house!" So I really fought for it. It wasn't handed to me. When I went to the up-fronts and realized I had to talk to people and smile, I was like, "Oh, no! I don't know how to be this affable. I need to go to the dentist and put veneers on my teeth." I'm so grateful to be here. I want to do it well! But I think I have to put a disclaimer: "This does not come naturally to me. Please don't be angry with me." You have to try to charm people. I'm not dripping with that said charm. That thing they call charm I do not know.
It sounds like shyness and something else -- not necessarily hatred of humanity.
No! I like humanity. I'm a little uncomfortable around humanity. But I like them there people. Those people you speak of seem kind and nice at times. But it's a lot of work to be up and breathing, don't you find?
Did you, uh, get fat for "Kath and Kim"?
I let myself go a little. I didn't get fat, because that would sound wrong. I'm never going to be a big girl -- I'm just a little floppy. It's hard going to the gym. It hurts. And it hurts when you don't see results. There's mirrors all over the gym!
Do you have some monster putting you through the paces?
I have two very good-looking guys putting me through the paces. That's right, I need two: Ryan and Matt. They text me and tell me to eat every two hours, to keep my metabolism up. Little do they know I'm eating macaroni and cheese.
That is like a Demi Moore routine!
I'm trying, baby, I'm trying. I had my birthday on Monday, and I went surfing for the first time. I'm making this year about being active.
How was your birthday?
It was great. I talked to my mom on my birthday, whom I worship. I turned 36 this year. She said, "Oh, baby, when I was 36 I remember laying in bed and thinking, 'I'm 36, it's halfway over, it's halfway over.' " That was my mom's birthday gift.
That's what 36 feels like.
It felt halfway over when I was 5. I'm surprised I made it this far. I never thought I'd be 16! I thought I'd die tragically young and it'd be over.
How hard did you try?
I was pretty self-destructive, I'll leave it at that. I was a reckless person. But those days are gone!
2 de julio de 2008
[[ARTICLES]] US Kath & Kim star Selma Blair blasts critics
By Peta Hellard July 02, 2008 07:59am
Look at moi ploise ... US Kath & Kim star Selma Blair / AP
Her comments came as US network NBC extended its order of its version of the show from six episodes to 13.
The Hellboy star, who will play Kim opposite Saturday Night Live comedian Molly Shannon, said she was surprised at criticism by fans of the show.
"Some people are really protective and horrified that we're doing it in the United States," Blair said.
"It's a case of, 'How could you? Oh my god, you might ruin it'. But what's to ruin? You're still going to have your great show in Australia - we're just paying homage to it. Nothing takes away from the original."
Blair, 36, revealed the US version, which was originally set in Phoenix, Arizona, was now set in the sprawling suburbs of Florida.
"We're middle-class, celebrity-obsessed, tabloid-crazy and kind of superficial," she said. "We think we are so fabulous and we're not really, at all.
"My mum Kath (played by Shannon) is wonderful and perky and positive and I'm a complete downer."
Like the Aussie series, Kim moves in with her mum after separating from her husband.
"I'm a pretty juvenile character - I'm in my mid-to-late 20s, but I dress like I'm 13," she said.
"I think I'm a trophy wife but my husband works at (electronics chain) Best Buy. I'm a bit delusional."
Blair revealed she gained 9kg to take on the role played by actor-writer Gina Riley, whose character loves tacky fashion.
"I was never going to let myself get, like, very big, but it was important to let myself not have any bones showing because it was a very Midwestern, middle-America diet and the girl's always eating," Blair said.
"The joke is I wear the same clothes from when I was 13 and when I sit down there will be a big roll over my shorts and I call myself the hottest thing.
"There will definitely be the appearance of a thong or two.
"She's always on the couch eating Doritos so I did that for a long time and I put on 20 pounds."
1 de julio de 2008
[[NEWS]] US network orders more Kath & Kim
It brings the total order for the hit series to 13 half-hour episodes.
The pick-up comes shortly after the comedy - starring Molly Shannon and Selma Blair in the US version - shot the first episode of its six-episode order.
The show is scheduled to go back into production next month on the remaining segments.
Kath & Kim focuses on the dysfunctional relationship between Kath - played by Shannon - and her daughter Kim, who is played by Blair.
It will premiere in the US on October 9, in the Thursday night slot following another show adapted from a foreign version, The Office.
The hit Australian version was created by and stars Jane Turner and Gina Riley.