Selma Blair
The actress plays with fire in Hellboy, but she's really just an animal lover at heart. Have you met her one-eyed dog, Wink?
Selma Blair has a yippy little one-eyed dog she named Wink, which gives you an idea of her sense of humor. When strangers stop and ask how Wink lost her eye, Blair likes to make up stories just to mess with their heads. On this particular afternoon a man in a striped shirt puts the question to her outside a West Hollywood café, and Blair makes a sad face. "Actually," she tells him, "Lou Reed put it out with a cigarette." (Man, shocked: "Oh, my God, I hate him." Blair, shrugging: "I know, it was an accident, but it's still bad.") When a middle-aged woman coochie-coos Wink and asks, "Is she a puppy?" Blair answers flatly, "No, she's probably going to die soon, in fact." But she isn't a liar, really. She just likes to keep things interesting.
Blair, who's 31 and petite with a wiry gymnast's body, is kind of manic at the moment, having just polished off a meringue and a large Diet Coke. Caffeine and sugar do this to her, she says, get her pinballing from one sarcastic joke or neurotic, Ally McBeal-y riff to another, disabling whatever inhibition she may possess. Careerwise, too, she tends to ricochet in unpredictable directions, once playing an innocent virgin who gets a lesson in French kissing from Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions, then an icy battle-ax in Legally Blonde, and then an emotionally fragile student who does unspeakably nasty things with her literature professor in Todd Solondz's controversial Storytelling. A less adventurous, America's-sweetheart-type résumé might have made her a bigger star. (Even Solondz, who's a major Blair booster, calls some of her movies "regrettable.") But safe isn't what Blair is about. Safe is for Barbies.
Now comes Hellboy, a big-budget adaptation of a cult comic book about a demon turned do-gooder and the band of freaks who help him destroy evil. Blair plays the doomy heroine Liz Sherman, who has pyrotechnic powers she can't fully control. It's a welcome chance for Blair to get her freak on, which is really what she does best. "She's tragically flawed," Blair says of her character. "When she was young, she killed her family by accident—as you do when you're young. That's a lot to bear. She was fucked. It really gets me."
A guy with a shaved head appears from around the corner, gives Blair a kiss with a generous helping of tongue, tells her "I'm a huge fan of your work," and walks off. Blair smiles coyly. "See how friendly I am with my fans?" she says. The guy is her fiancé, actor Ahmet Zappa. The two plan to get married later this year, but right now she's temporarily shacked up with a friend of Zappa's while her apartment is being renovated. "I got a new bed today: a Dux," Blair says. "Ahmet has a Tempur-Pedic." She gasps in mock horror. "Look at me, going on about my private life. Why? Why? This is private!"
Wink tugs Blair to a park across the street from the café and begins to look for a primo spot to do some Winky business. Watching this, Blair cocks her head. "Are you as mesmerized by Wink's tushy-hole as I am?" she asks. "It's a bummer, because I'll take her for a walk and I'll find that all I'm looking at is her flipping Eye of Mordor. The fiery eye. I get so transfixed, and I think, "This walk was a washout. I got nothing spiritually out of it.'" She sighs heavily. "I thought getting a dog would uplift me, but all I can do is watch her get ready to lay a deuce."Blair steers Wink toward the swing set and commandeers a ride, and the conversation turns to the topic of homemade sex tapes. Someone gave her a copy of the Paris Hilton romp, she says, but she wouldn't play it. "I'm not one with incredible morals or ethics," she says, "but I would just feel yucky watching it. And I'm not attracted to either of them, so it wasn't like, Wow."
One swing over, a fat guy in a grease-stained T-shirt is pushing a pissed-off-looking 2-year-old. Blair decides to bring him in on this. "Would you be so embarrassed if a sex tape came out of you publicly?" she asks.
His eyes bug out. "A what?"
"A sex tape," Blair repeats. "Like the Pamela Anderson–Tommy Lee thing or something. I would die. I can't even fathom it. I think you're foolish to make one, and if you make one you've got to burn it. Like, after the champagne's worn off, you have to realize it's not a good idea to make something like that. Ever."
Swing Dad clearly doesn't know what to make of Blair. But the director of Hellboy, Guillermo del Toro, says he's enchanted by her restless, irrepressible mind. "I call her Monkey Brain," he says. "She likes outrageous humor. She is, in many ways, one of the boys. But if you have a more personal chat with her, you find out she also has a lot of depth. She's lived a very full life."
Ah, yes, her life: growing up in Michigan, living through some hinted-at but unspecified family drama, moving to New York to become a photographer, struggling to the point where she was practically living in the streets before being spotted by a talent agent. Intimations of darker forces hiding behind the kooky antics. Maybe Blair could shed a little light on this?
"Here's the thing," she says, rolling her eyes. "I was born in Michigan and ... You know, it's boring. Who cares? Who cares who I was, because I'm gonna be—" She throws her arms wide with a dramatic flourish. "I'm gonna be Marilyn Monroe! Write that! Print it!"
Blair looks around for Zappa, who is supposed to pick her up in a few minutes. "I want to wrap this up, because I keep talking and I'm manic and it's making me sick," she says. She looks down at the ground, lets out a nervous giggle. "I hope you're one of the ones that gets me a little bit. I want you to like me so that when I read this I don't get sad and drink too much that night. Some people believe everything I'm saying. I mean, there's truth to it. It's not like I'm a liar. But it makes me laugh. I'm fun, right? I'm superfun! Would you pay money to see me in a movie now?"
Yes, we say—because she obviously could stand to hear it but also because it is the truth. We gladly would.
And, in a minute, after a quick hug, Blair has skipped off, her one-eyed dog tucked under her arm, and suddenly the park seems quiet and dull.
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