8 de julio de 2008

[[ARTICLES]] Blair Played It Cool On Hellboy Set

Filming HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY was no sweat for actress SELMA BLAIR - she was one of the only stars on set who didn't wear extensive prosthetics.

The big screen adaptation of the comic book required actors to spend hours in the make-up chair being fitted with heavy make-up and latex prosthetics to play mythical creatures.

But Blair, who plays character Liz Sherman, couldn't help but taunt her fellow cast members about her simple wardrobe.

She says, "I (was) very naughty in that department. On the hottest days, when the other actors (couldn't) breathe in their makeup, I breeze in and say how sweaty I feel in my cotton tank top.

"It's just as well (Hellboy actor) Ron Perlman is my next-door neighbour in real life and knows my sense of humour."